What’s so special about you? That was the question that hit me in the face today! Why do I think that I deserve better? – Better than the sick person, better than the jobless person, better than the homeless person. Is it because I’ve served the Lord the best that I know how for such a long time? It is because I consider myself a good person? Because I give to those less fortunate than I am? Why? What is it that sets me apart and make me think that I don’t deserve the plight that comes and goes in my life? As an author, speaker, and writer I’m always encouraging people to trust and believe but it’s so hard to practice what you preach. I was talking with a friend the other day and she told me, “Geri let God be God! Just relax and enjoy the moment because you know that He can change things in a split second.” Of course I heard her words and I agreed with her wholeheartedly, but how long did that belief last? That is the bigger question. As I chatted later during the week with someone else I learned that you can have faith and doubt at the same time. It doesn’t mean that you don’t believe, it simply means that you have questions. So stop beating yourself up for wondering how things will work out. God knows your heart and your every thought. You can have faith and still have questions about the when, where, and how of things. Right after you finish wondering, just take a deep breath and thank God for His all-knowing!