“Throw me to The Wolves And I Will Return Leading The Pack”

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Life is good when you really know who you are.  It never ceases to amaze me when I watch my enemies plan and scheme to take me out, and then watch God turn it all around for my good.  I am not bragging, but I am giving credit where credit is due.  My God has always taken care of me in every situation, so I expect nothing less when I encounter obstacles.  I am not saying that I don’t have any trials or tribulations, it’s just that I have learned to keep the peace when I am caught in less than peaceful circumstances.

If you trust God to fight your battles, then you must take off the armor.  For most of us that is a hard thing to do, because we are looking at the situation through our eyes and how we want it to turn out.  Patience is the key.  Timing is everything when it comes to God.  He will not give you what you are not ready for, and He will not take you out the class until you have learned the lesson.  The more I trust God, the more I am able to trust Him.  Now I’ve gotten to the point where I ask for everything that I want and expect it.  If it does not arrive in my timeframe, I know that God is working behind the scenes. So, I just stay in my lane and watch people pass by thinking they are getting to next stop faster than I am.  When we both arrive at the corner the same time, I watch them wonder how I made it.  Just like the Hare and the Tortes.

Life is easy.  Don’t make it complicated.  You don’t always have to be in the lead.  All of us are seeking the same thing, but going about it in different ways.  God is working in everyone’s life.  I don’t need to step over you to get to where I am going.  I can stop a second and pick you up on the way.  There is enough of everything in this universe for everyone to get their share.  With God there is no lack.  When you live your life as though the world belongs to God and nobody can stop your blessing, then you have awakened to a newfound peace.

I am a leader by nature and no matter where you place me I am going to exhibit some kind of leadership skills.  Women tend to see it as controlling, whereas, men appreciate it.  I am unapologetic about this characteristic, because most leaders have no problem leading.  So, go ahead, throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack!

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