There have been so many occasions these past few weeks where God has said, “Take your hands off!” And being the person that I am who knows God’s voice, I did just that. This message has been swirling around in my head for a minute now. I kept trying to find the time and the right moment, to no avail, and things continued to pile on to the point where I thought if I keep waiting then this is going to become a book. Whether it was dealing with money, my dreams/visions for my future, or simply something that concerns me about others. Every time that I removed my hands (mentally), and gave it totally to God I watched Him immediately step in and take away the stress or the concern. He did it quickly and smoothly beyond my wildest imaginations.
Maybe there are some things that you are struggling with how to fix and you feel like your prayers are not being answered or what you have done and/or are doing is not making a dent in the circumstances. I dare you to “Take Your Hands Off!” It doesn’t mean that you have given up. It doesn’t mean that you don’t care. It means that you have decided to trust God. When God is all you have left, you come to realize that God is all you need. I praise Him for the ability to hear His voice.