Be successful because of setbacks, not in spite of them! When life gives you lemons don’t just make lemonade, make it and sell it! That’s what I do. The minute I see lemons rolling my way I start asking, “What can I do with these lemons?” My brain goes into overdrive while I sort out the possibilities until one of them sticks and before you know I have pitchers of lemonade and a stand all set up ready to go.
It is easy to allow one setback to reproduce itself. We need to learn how to tackle each situation with all that we have at our disposal. Sometimes something as simple as a phone call can make all the difference in the world. Yes we serve a God who is able to do more than we ever imagined, however, He does expect some action on our part as well. We can’t just lie around and expect God to show up and say, “Here’s what you asked for!” That’s not the way life works. We need to stop saying we are doing good in spite of our circumstances. A lot of times we are doing good because of our circumstances. It’s all good when you really think about it. Some of the best results can come from circumstances that we try to prevent. What we perceive as a setback most of the time is a setup from God!