Photo by Drew Hays on Unsplash
No matter what you are experiencing during these troubling times at some point you will simply have to S.T.O.P. As much as we would like to fill every empty space and not waste this valuable free time, that is not a realistic option. Here is a nice little suggestion for the acronym, S.T.O.P. (S) – Silence the noise in the world, in your head, your home, from family and friends, on social media and television. (T) – Take an inventory of everything in your life. Find out what’s working and what’s not working. What type of adjustments can you make? What can you do more of? If it’s not working find out why it’s not working and what you can do different to make it work better? (O) – Open your mind to new technology and new things to read, or things outside your comfort zone, because therein might lie your realization of how God is in the situation. He loves to show up outside the box! (P) – Pray and then Plan. Make sure you do this in the proper order. A lot of times we plan first and then we ask God to fix our mess, and make our agenda come true. Life is much more fulfilling if you pray then plan.