“Just Turn The Page!”

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Have you ever paid close attention to young children when they first learn how to read a book?  As you try to read the story to them, with hopes that some day they will turn those pages and read to themselves, you notice that they are rushing to turn the pages to their favorite part of the story.  Now if it’s a pop-up book, then their little fingers are all over the place as they turn those pages.  The expression on their face says it all.  The joy they feel getting to the page that they were anxiously anticipating.  Why can’t we do the same thing in our lives?  Why do we feel that we have to read every page of life?  Sometimes it’s okay to just skim the surface for the main details of the story.  There are pages in our book that will pop-up as well.  So let’s learn how to move our fingers ever so anxiously, as we turn pages to our favorite part of life.  You decide how fast to read, which pages to linger on, and when to close the book.  Just turn the page!


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