He who hesitates is probably right! We have so many thoughts during the day and most of them are fleeting. Have you ever had the same thought over and over again but for some reason you couldn’t seem to act on it no matter how many times it showed up in your mind? What is it that makes us hesitate? Is it intuition or the spirit? Do we somehow feel that a thought is not worthwhile unless it continues to circle around our brain? Hesitation can be good at times, however some things require that right now moment. For me I’m more comfortable acting on my thoughts when they simply won’t leave me alone. It’s usually when I can’t get something out of my head that I tend to act. However, there are some thoughts that I write down the minute I think them just in case I need to go back at a later date when I’m better prepared to tackle it. And of course, some thoughts get thrown out completely even if they’re wrtten down. I think writers always have pen and paper handy because they never know when the greatest thought may materialize that will make a miraculous difference in their world or someone else’s.