Find Your Next Step

Find your next step!  In a world of “right now” we are constantly trying to make things happen in a hurry.  We want to know what’s around the corner before we get in the car to take the ride.  Our curiosity keeps us from taking risks or living life to the fullest because we want guaranteed results.  There are no guarantees in life.  We will always have moments, days, or even months where it seems like the world has landed on your head and you don’t know what to do.  All you need to know is your next!  Ask yourself what is my next step, and take it! And then repeat the question until you make your way to where you want to be.  Will there be some missteps along the way?  Of course there will be.  But use those opportunities to fine tune your approach and get back into the game.  Everyone who made it to the top did not start at the top.  There was a lot of climbing to be done along the way.

I remember wishing that I had different parents, different siblings, and different neighbors.  As I look back over my life I realize that I bring a unique perspective to the world and the people I meet because of my upbringing.  My moments of loud laughter and sense of humor is genuine because it comes from a place that others have not visited.  Growing up in my household we all were loud.  It was not something that was seen as weird or out of place during our conversations.  Maybe we talked loud because it was so many of us and we wanted to be heard.  Now I find myself in circles where I feel the need to tone it down so others will feel comfortable.  Although there have been times when I’m told that my presence is a great reprieve from being around so many “fake” people.  “It’s a nice welcome,” they say.  In this world you cannot say and do whatever you want to.  But being “fake” is not the same as tempering your words to match your perspective audience.  The “Geri” that shows up at my brother’s house is not the same “Geri” that shows up at work.  That’s not to say that I’m putting on some type of front, but the “Geri” that my family knows allows  me to let my hair down.  Unfortunately, there are times when family make it difficult for your authentic self to show up as well.  It all depends on the makeup of the family unit and if you have grown together or grown apart in certain ways.  As you live your life keep in mind that the way will not always be clear, but all you need to do is find your next step and take it!

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