“Fear Gets Smaller When you Turn Around and Face it”

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We all have days and sometimes weeks when it seems like a huge animal called fear is chasing us around.  No matter how fast you run it keeps gaining on you.  As soon as you get up the nerve to tackle one thing another thing pops up.  You find yourself back on that treadmill with fear chasing you again.  You look at your goals that you wrote down and realize that you haven’t even come close to starting some of them, much less completing them.  And then there are things that you want to do simply because you have never done them before.  Either you keep telling yourself, or someone else keeps telling you, that it can’t be done.  In the back of your mind you still want to at least make an effort.  But, once again, that huge animal called fear is on your trail.

Recently I faced a fear that I have had for four years.  When I moved to Charleston, South Carolina the only time I would travel to Virginia was with family members.  I had always told myself that I am not able to drive that distance because of pain and discomfort from a surgery many years ago.  As my financial situation changed and I started to desire more control of my traveling situation, God changed the way I looked at that fear.  I started to see myself enjoying the ride rather than dreading it.  Needless to say, once I visualized it in my mind, I was able to do it.  So I finally traveled to Virginia to be with my children and grandchildren for a week.  I was able to do this because I looked fear in the face and said, “No, you will not sabotage my desire to see my children.  Yes, I can drive to Virginia and I will!”  I split the trip in half and spent a night in a hotel going and coming.  God took me safely all the way to Virginia and back to South Carolina.  I enjoyed the views along the way.  I took myself shopping and out to dinner.  It was nice to be in control of my time.  I was able to visit whomever I wanted to when it was convenient for me, rather than have someone take me to see people.  It was such a joy and a blessed trip that I am looking forward to doing it again next year.  When I arrived at my daughter’s house, I was so filled with the spirit that I almost danced a hole in her grass.  I praised the Lord so much that her neighbors started coming to their doors to see what was going on.  I told my daughter, “That’s okay.  They don’t know how far the Lord has brought me.  They will understand when they see the tags on my car.”  She said, “Mama you scaring my neighbors.  But that’s alright.  Do you!”

So in closing I say, “Do you!”  Don’t let fear keep you from trying something that you may be telling yourself that you cannot do.  With God all things are possible.


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