You don’t have to look very far to find people who are successful. Although they may not be right outside your back door they probably aren’t far down the street. However, what one person considers success may be different than what you and I consider success. To me, success is doing what you love and enjoying life without stressing over where your next blessing will come from. Some people base success solely on how much money they have. I’m not saying that money isn’t important, but being financially set does not make one successful. What about your home life once you get the money? Is there peace and joy found within your walls? Then there’s your spiritual well-being. What role does that play in the picture? Do you believe in a higher being that controls all things, good and not so good? Would you still be happy if you had no money? So many people work so hard to have everything, yet they do not enjoy what they have. Others are so rich that a small crisis in their financial situation can cause them to go overboard, once their lifestyle has to change from what they are used to having. Some have committed suicide rather than deal with the stock market falling, or Wall Street crumbling. When you are up so high on the financial pedestal, the fall from grace is much larger than the little man who already knows what it’s like to be on the bottom. So, don’t be quick to jump on every band wagon that seems like a good opportunity, because what’s good for the goose is not always good for the gander. That’s an old saying from my mom back in the day! It is important to know which opportunities to avoid as much as it is to know which ones to partake. When I consider my business endeavors, I am well aware of what I expect to give and receive by my association or attendance. I seek to be among like-minded individuals who are upwardly mobile with sound judgment. That doesn’t mean I disassociate myself from people, it means I know what I bring to the table, therefore I come with expectations of being better once I leave. That can be done through inspiring others to do better as well, while finding encouragement for my journey. Be picky about who you allow to take up your time because you can’t get it back! Every opportunity is not for you!
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I love this one Geri!!!