Dreams Are Often in a Place Where we Don’t Look! There are days when I literally feel like the hamster on the wheel, rolling around and around. As I prepare for yet another annual “Geri Speak” Conference I find myself at that same place of thought as I am every year this time. I evaluate the stress, the time, the pressure, the madness, the running around in circles, and all that goes into pulling off such a huge event every year. After the final analysis, I ask myself is it worth it and will I do it again next year. My answer to both questions every time is a resounding “NO.” However, somehow I find myself right back in this place again the following year. So why am I telling you this? Because I am a writer of truth. Like I’ve always said before, my life is an open book.
In my pondering this morning I decided to visualize myself without the Annual Conference, and all the other things that I could get done instead. I have so many dreams of how I want my speaking and writing to appear, but I spend so much time every year on the conference that those dreams end up taking a backseat. So, today I’m starting to look in the places where I don’t normally look for my dreams. You should do the same thing. More than likely the dream that you are seeking is hidden inside something that you do on a regular basis, but you simply need to perfect it. If we are honest with ourselves we know exactly what we need to do to get to that next level of perfection in whatever we are trying to accomplish. The trick is that we have to give up something in order to get something else. We don’t want to do that. We want to keep it all and that’s not how life works. It’s always a give and take scenario. Change is inevitable and change means replacing one thing with another. The old ways of doing business or life is no longer working for any of us. Just look at the world around you! No matter how much you tell yourself that all is well, it’s a scary place to live right now. But I don’t want to leave you on that sour note, so here is what I recommend: Search in the deepest parts of your being and find the one thing that brings you the most joy and perfect that, while making sure that you have a healthy life balance, which includes your physical, mental, social, financial, and spiritual well being, because the bottom line is, our dreams are often in a place where we don’t look!