Don’t Shut Your Computer Down


If you have a computer, then you have seen the notice that says, “Do not turn your computer off. We are downloading an update to your system.”  Somehow or another it always happens when you are rushing and trying to get something done and move on.  Instead you have to wait until this machine shuts down before you walk away.  You don’t want to leave your computer running because of the likelihood that you will forget to return later.  And thus goes the story of life!

God is always downloading, unfortunately too many of our systems have been turned off during the download, or we don’t use His computer at all. We tell ourselves that there’s no need to keep in touch with all the updates.  Why bother spending an hour or more in meditation or communion with God, when He’s everywhere anyway?  It’s not like you can separate yourself from Him.  If He has something to tell you He’ll say it while you are on the go.  And all that may be true, but there are times when your computer needs an update and the only way to get that update is be actively involved with the computer.  When your computer is turned off you get no downloads.  You only get them when you have participated in a scenario that requires more information in order for your system to continue to work properly.  Sometimes the download involves upgrading critical functions to an already overloaded system.  Maybe it’s removing some stuff that is no longer needed, or stuff that is holding you back from getting the best results out of your efforts.  Everyone who has Facebook know that it is constantly changing the way we do things.  Most of that is because it doesn’t want to become stale or commonplace, and some of it may be that competition calls for an upgrade to their system.  In order for us to move from our comfort zones and move into the destiny that God has for us, we need to be aware of the areas where He is trying to update us.  The older I get the more I thirst for knowledge, especially in areas where my writing, speaking, and travel is concerned.  So I try to stay open to change, growth and development in whatever form God sends it. Don’t Shut Your Computer Down. God may be installing an update!

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