I Have no Clown in This Circus


Photo by William Fitzgibbon on Unsplash

Think about this!  If I tell you something that concerns me and you express an interest in my concern by listening and making suggestions, then it’s obvious that you have a vested interest in the outcome as well.  Does that make sense to you?  I know there are some who will just forget about the matter once the conversation is over unless I bring up the subject again, and there are also people who will check back with me to see how things are going.  However, being the person that I am, I find myself always joining a circus where I have no clowns!  Some of this has to do with the fact that I am extremely organized and want the same for others, in addition to being an over thinker and very caring person.  There are times when I have to remind myself that this is not my fight, my problem to solve, or my cross to bear.  I need to learn how to take information that is given to me and use it for its intended purpose, while allowing others to operate in the way that works for them.  Remember, you cannot expect you from another person.  God made only one!

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