There is Another Way


During a zoom meeting that I had scheduled, I found myself quoting parts of a recent Sunday sermon.  As I shared, one of my viewers, who is also on my weekly email list asked me, “What happened to the blogs that you used to do occasionally after some of the sermons?”  I gave her a number of reasons why I hadn’t done one lately.  Well, low and behold, here I am today recapping with a sprinkle of personal testimony from last Sunday’s sermon, because every day this week I have repeated those words.  Our theme for the series is, “Unboxed – The Power of Innovation,” with the first installment being, “There is Another Way!”  I have never seen a pastor so eloquently tie every scripture to daily living in a manner such as this.  There are three areas to consider when thinking about the healing at the pool, John 5:1-9;  1) Examine your expectations,  2) Don’t be trapped by tradition, and  3) Operate in obedience.

Let’s ponder this!  Do you really want what you are asking for?  Do you want that new job?  Do you want that spouse which you been praying for?  Are you ready for the responsibilities that come with acquiring what you are seeking? What are your expectations once you get what you want?  Jesus asked the man at the pool one question, “Do you want to be healed?”  Of course he said yes, after explaining to Jesus all the reasons why he didn’t think it could happen.  In life, we get trapped by what has happened before and fail to realize that with Jesus, there is another way! There is another way to get that job!  There is another way to have that spouse!  Jesus said, “Pick up your mat,” and the man was immediately healed!  He didn’t have to wait for anyone to help him get in the pool.  He didn’t have to wait for the water to be stirred!  All he had to do was hear the voice of God and be obedient.  Of course all of this seems very simple until it’s time to put it into practice.  I promise you it gets easier the more you do it!  I’m a living witness.  Not perfect, but I’m a work in progress every day.  God bless you as you listen to His voice and realize that there is another way.

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