Don’t Poke The Bear

Photo by Pete Nuij on Unsplash

We all have days when life is just honky-dory, and then there are days when all Hell breaks loose.  It seems like shit just keep hitting the fan!

With my most recent situation, I decided my peace of mind is worth more than the fight, so I am not going to poke the bear.  Yes, it would been nice to not be charged for cleaning an apartment that I left cleaner than when I moved in.  Yes, it would have been nice to not be charged two extras days’ rent because I moved on a Saturday and the office was closed on Sunday, as well as Monday (because it was a holiday), and you didn’t physically get the keys out of your mailbox until Tuesday.

In talking with friends and family I got a mixture of responses like, “just go with the flow,” “everything happens for a reason,” “you should push back and make them do thus, thus, and thus,” and lastly, “is it worth the fight?” After much contemplation, and having God bless me financially in other areas, I decided to call it even, because there also had been the possibility that I would be charged for breaking my lease.  Sometimes it’s best to just leave well enough alone. Don’t Poke The Bear!

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