The White Sheep of the Family


Photo by Topich on Unsplash

People always talk about the black sheep of the family.  Let’s talk about the other elephant in the room. The white sheep of the family! (Yes, I just made that up).

How would you like to be the person who was called the “pet” in the family, or the favorite child?  The person who is always picked on because of that, or reminded 30 or 40 years later that you were the one who got away with everything because you were considered the “good girl?”  Yeah, it can take a toll on you when you are always the butt of jokes at the gatherings!  And then you leave with all those thoughts still swirling around in your brain for several days.  Maybe some don’t even realize that your feelings have been hurt, especially when they weren’t the ones doing the hurting.  It can be a burden, an emotional burden, a mental burden, but nobody sees that because you bring it back home and you sit alone in that mental state of rehearsing it over and over, and wishing that it wasn’t always like that, wishing that the next gathering will be different, and you can just be who you are, regardless! Naturally the white sheep would never want to trade places with the black sheep, however the white sheep wants to be acknowledged, and want people to understand that it’s still painful, just probably not as painful as being the black sheep, but there’s pain nevertheless!

I encourage everyone to be mindful of what you say and do to others, whether they are friends or family.  It’s never OK to intentionally hurt people because you are so close and you think it doesn’t matter and they should be able to just take a joke.  Jokes hurt too!

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One Reply to “The White Sheep of the Family”

  1. Great evening my friend. I so enjoyed this; and the words of truth rang out loudly. Thank you for this amazing and insightful Word. The depth in which God uses you is phenomenal! Keep doing what God has graced you to do…it is necessary!

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